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for all the latest news and information for the West Somerset Methodist Circuit
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Should you need to make urgent contact, please contact the Superintendent Minister by email to: andy.day@westsomersetmethodists.org.uk
Welcome to Porlock Methodist Church -
in the heart of the seaside village of Porlock,
we are a community of faith bound together
in the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus.
Our church is very easy to find - in the High Street and opposite the Post Office. If you are coming to Porlock by car, there is a council-run car park behind the church (“Central Car Park”); to get to the car park from Minehead direction, drive past the church and turn right towards Porlock Weir, then take the first right down to the car park. Pedestrian access to the village goes right past the church.
We look forward to welcoming everyone to our church!
Porlock Methodist Church Stewards (left to right):
Ian, Bettina (with Dylan), Rachel and Marilyn
“We seek to grow together in faith, living as the people God created us to be, living lives which will encourage others in their faith journey.”
(from the West Somerset Methodist Circuit Vision statement)
Our Sunday morning services are at 10.30am; each week our services are led by different preachers from the West Somerset Methodist Circuit team of local preachers. After the service we enjoy catching up on everyone’s news over coffee/tea - and often cake, if someone has a birthday or anniversary!
On the last Sunday evening of each month there is the opportunity to worship God in a more informal and contemporary way (see below, The Journey).
On the fourth Sunday of the month, ‘Churches Together in Porlock’ join together in a time of worship, with the service being held alternately at St Dubricius Church (odd months of the year) and Porlock Methodist Church (even months). There is singing from 10.30am before the service itself starts at 10.45am and, as at all our services, the opportunity for a chat over refreshments after the service.
We have a thriving music group of instrumentalists and singers (One-A-Chord), which meets for rehearsal on a Thursday evening at 6pm and leads the worship at our Sunday morning services.
Since September 2021 a fellowship group has met regularly at
Porlock Methodist Church, led by Rev Nick Lakin;
the group welcomes people from all church backgrounds, and none.
Themes so far have included “Elijah, Prophet of God” and 1 Peter,
under the theme of “Living in the Real World”.
One of the things that has emerged from discussions at the GIFT group is that there is a desire for people to worship God in a more contemporary way, in Porlock and beyond. Many who now live in West Somerset come from a variety of different church backgrounds and are familiar with more modern styles of worship – as one member of the group put it: “we want to be able to worship God in a way which we feel connects us to Him”. “The Journey” is the next step of faith at Porlock Methodist Church. A gathering, at 7pm, on the last Sunday of each month will take place for anyone who wants to worship God in a more free and contemporary manner. Everyone most welcome.
Services are held in the main church, and groups meet in the
“Worship Lounge” behind the screen (which is also where
we serve refreshments after services).
We are blessed with having a beautiful garden around the church – our “Garden of Peace and Tranquillity”.
The first Wesleyan preachers from Taunton preached in Porlock from a mounting block in the main street in 1810. In 1836, with a membership of 30, it was decided to build a chapel, but by 1908 the congregation had outgrown the building and new land was purchased. However, it was not until 1927 that the new chapel was finished and dedicated.
We have a significant archive of the history of the church in the John Perkins room at the church
On Friday 9th December, members of Porlock Methodist Church will be taking part in the “Living Nativity:, as the Christmas story is acted and sung along Porlock High Street, ending with a crib scene at the Apple Press - last year’s photo shows how it looked in 2021.
Porlock Methodist will also be playing its part in
Porlock’s “Late Night Shopping” event on Saturday 10th December, opening the church from 6.30pm-8.30pm, with stalls, refreshments, children’s craft activities and live Christmas music.
Proceeds will be in aid of the West Somerset Food Cupboard.
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